Monday, February 21, 2011

Thankful Thoughts Catch Up

I admit that I forgot a few days, but I was thankful for things last week, even if I didn't write them out. Here are some pictures with short notes about each one. No in-depth-ness here today! :)

 I am thankful for a hot dog octopus resting comfortably in a sea of shells and cheese. It reminded me that even the daily things like dinner can be fun.

I am thankful for my husband's big feet, even if his big size 16 clodhoppers do get in the way all the time! He'd look pretty funny with a smaller feet. Those big babies get mighty cold in the winter (BELIEVE ME!) but without them he wouldn't be able to do all that he does for us and for God.

I am thankful for imagination. Without it, my kiddos would not have been able to fix my sink, because you know it had "FOURTEEN WATERS!" and I really can't have that under there. :) God gives us all a fantastic imagination as children and only the lucky ones hold onto that and keep it into adulthood, although it may change slightly. If only more kids today would use their imgaination.

I am thankful for my organs. Without them I woud not be able to live. They make sure my blood is clean, my cells are fed, that other organs are working properly and that anything not used is discarded. It still amazes me that a ball of cells can change into a three layered tube, then into a fully functioning body and that those cells know which ones are going to be which organ and exactly where in the organ they belong and how that organ is to function. Proof that God does exist because no primordial ooze could figure that one out!

I am thankful for the Father/Daughter dance that Chicken got to attend with her dad. It was so wonderful to see her get so excited about "going on a date with Daddy". They both had a wonderful time and it is something they will both cherish all their days. A wonderful way to grow that Daddy/Daughter bond!

I am thankful for building a snowman with my kids before the snow melted. It was a humble snowman, but I didn't have gloves on and my hands were frozen, so I hurried. I had promised them all winter long we would build a snow man, and I am thankful that I was able to fulfill that promise before the snow was gone. They loved it and that's what matters!

There's not really a thankful thought behind this picture, I just thought it was cute! :-)

I hope you can find something to be thankful about today. You'll be suprised how much more you enjoy life when you stop and look around at all you have!

1 comment:

Please, add a little sanity to my insanity!