Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Thankful thought for the day

Today's thankful thought is not a deep one. Maybe it's because it is simple, or maybe because I am just too tired after a full day to write too much. Either way, in keeping up with my Goals, here is today's thankful thought:

My house. Well, this one is not actually mine. But I live in a rental subdivision where all the houses look alike, so this is basically my house. I am thankful that God provided this house for us so that we can have a nice warm place to bed down on these frigid nights. I pray on cold nights like this for all those who don't have a warm bed to go to.  It breaks my heart to know that in a county as great as ours, there are still people who have to sleep on the streets, or in their cars, or in an abandoned building.

Thank you, God, for taking care of us. Please bless those less fortunate than me. Amen.

1 comment:

  1. Your house is so cute. Thank you for praying for me when I go to bed in my no heated bedroom. :) Im just teasing. It is sad that so many don't have homes. We must always be thankful for the blessings we have. great BLOG Madame! God Bless Y


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