Monday, February 21, 2011

Thankful Thoughts Catch Up

I admit that I forgot a few days, but I was thankful for things last week, even if I didn't write them out. Here are some pictures with short notes about each one. No in-depth-ness here today! :)

 I am thankful for a hot dog octopus resting comfortably in a sea of shells and cheese. It reminded me that even the daily things like dinner can be fun.

I am thankful for my husband's big feet, even if his big size 16 clodhoppers do get in the way all the time! He'd look pretty funny with a smaller feet. Those big babies get mighty cold in the winter (BELIEVE ME!) but without them he wouldn't be able to do all that he does for us and for God.

I am thankful for imagination. Without it, my kiddos would not have been able to fix my sink, because you know it had "FOURTEEN WATERS!" and I really can't have that under there. :) God gives us all a fantastic imagination as children and only the lucky ones hold onto that and keep it into adulthood, although it may change slightly. If only more kids today would use their imgaination.

I am thankful for my organs. Without them I woud not be able to live. They make sure my blood is clean, my cells are fed, that other organs are working properly and that anything not used is discarded. It still amazes me that a ball of cells can change into a three layered tube, then into a fully functioning body and that those cells know which ones are going to be which organ and exactly where in the organ they belong and how that organ is to function. Proof that God does exist because no primordial ooze could figure that one out!

I am thankful for the Father/Daughter dance that Chicken got to attend with her dad. It was so wonderful to see her get so excited about "going on a date with Daddy". They both had a wonderful time and it is something they will both cherish all their days. A wonderful way to grow that Daddy/Daughter bond!

I am thankful for building a snowman with my kids before the snow melted. It was a humble snowman, but I didn't have gloves on and my hands were frozen, so I hurried. I had promised them all winter long we would build a snow man, and I am thankful that I was able to fulfill that promise before the snow was gone. They loved it and that's what matters!

There's not really a thankful thought behind this picture, I just thought it was cute! :-)

I hope you can find something to be thankful about today. You'll be suprised how much more you enjoy life when you stop and look around at all you have!

Time for some thought

You know, it has been a while since I wrote down my thankful thoughts, or for that matter any of my thoughts. So today, I think I shall give it a go. 

Somedays, you just have to wonder. What does it all mean? What does it mean to be who you are? What does it mean to follow or lead? What does it mean to be happy with your world both outside your home and inside? I don't claim to be some great philosopher or thinker of great thoughts and to be honest the odds of getting a great thought out of me is slim to none. But have you ever just stopped to think about life and what it all means?

In my quest to be a better wife and mother (see Goals one and two for the year) I have taken some time to stop and think about my life, where it was, where it is, and where it is going. I know that seems like an awful deep thing to think about, but at some point everyone needs to sit down and assess the situation as it were. I mean, afterall we only get one life so we better make sure that it is what we want it to be. So upon assessing my life at least in part, I have come to three conclusions:

  •  God is in control of my life
  •  Life can't get much better than this here on Earth
  •  I have dreams yet to be fullfilled

Are these deep, philosophical conclusions? No, I already told you that wasn't my goal. These are just the basic summation of my look into me. I suppose you might want to know how I came to these conclusions. Even if you didn't I'm going to tell you anyway. Perhaps seeing how I looked at things will help you as you look in to your own life.

God is in control of my life.
When I looked at my past and all that brought me to where I am now, it's not hard to see the hand of God in my life. Not only with the introduction of my husband, but other circumstances as well. Aside from meeting Joshua, I can, without thinking, come up with two other examples of God in my life. One being when a $7000.00 hospital bill suddenly became $175.00 and then that money was sent back to us stamped "written off" and the other would be the way that my youngest son El Segundo came into this world. I know of others, and maybe someday I'll take the time to write more about them, but for now I'll just leave it with those two. They are, at least to me, two very strong indicators that I am not in control; although, sometimes I like to believe I am and that's when I get knocked down to my knees.

Life can't get much better than this here on Earth
I know, this one seems a bit strange, huh? Especially since a few posts ago I was complaining about not having enough money to go around. But I don't believe that money brings happiness. In fact, I think an excess of money brings more sorrow and pain that it does anything else. Just look at the majority of Hollywood!! The people with the most money are the ones constantly getting divorces and drug charges and all the other stuff you see on the newstands. However, having a husband who loves me, children who want to be like me, and a God who will never forsake me leaves me thinking that I've got it made! What more could a person really ask for that those three things? Some LDS witnesses once asked me if they could tell me how to be happy and I responded that I was pretty happy already. Then they asked me "Wouldn't you like to know how to be even happier?" to which I responded "I believe I'm about as happy as I'm going to get on Earth. My happiness waits for me in Heaven." They didn't know what to say! I hope it gave them something to think about though, and I hope it does you too.

I have dreams yet to be fulfilled
Who doesn't? I know that there is a chance that I may never get to do some of the things that I have dreamed about. But then I have already done things that I only dreamed about, like finding a wonderful man who loves me for me and having three of the most beautiful children in the world. What are my dreams yet to be fulfilled? I want to go to Ireland to watch the sheep grazing on the meadows, find the cure to some horrific disease, record a CD and swim the Great Barrier Reef among many. The dream I really wanted to come true before I died was to see the ocean, and unless God calls me home before then I will get to see it come June (but don't tell my kids, it's a suprise!).

All in all I would have to say that life is wonderful. It may be chaotic at times, down on your luck at others, and outright unbearable still other times. But if I can just remember that God is in control of my life, then the rest doesn't seem so bad. As long as I keep on His path, it will all work out in the end. I encourage you to step back and take a look at your own life. Really make sure you're where you're supposed to be. And if not, then ask God where you're supposed to be and He'll help you get there.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

A God-driven Love

So my husband was not pleased with my post yesterday. :) Apparently I didn't include enough of why I was thankful for him or our back story as SOMEONE that we know did in hers. I tried to tell him that it was becuase I was trying to hurry since he woke up, though he didn't believe me. Since he was less than satisfied (in a joking manner) and because I feel that our story has the power to encourage those who feel like God has forgotten them, here is our story.

It starts in community college.  I had already signed up for my classes for the first sememseter of my second year.  My mom was also attending that year. She asked if I would take a class with her, but I told her I was already signed up and didn't want to change classes. She was bummed, but accepted it.

My husband was also already signed up for classes. But then he decided that he didn't want to take the math class that he was enrolled in. I can't honestly remember why, I think it had something to do with the teacher.  When he went in to the guidance conselor to change classes, every new class he wanted to take was for whatever reason unavailable to him. So he was left with only one choice, the evening Pscyology 110.  And would you have guessed that that was the very class that my mom wanted me to take with her?!

Now here is the part in the story where you get the back story to the back story.  I always had it rough in school. Not too many friends and although for a while I was "dating" a guy in junior high, I don't really count that as a boyfriend. I was always looking for male attention, though not in a bad way, and I was happy just being noticed by my friend's boyfriends. I had all but given up on finding a man who would love me for me. My way wasn't working, so I thought I would try a different approach. I prayed. I prayed that God would send me someone who would love me like He did, who would hold me in his arms like He did, and who would never leave me, just like He wouldn't. I prayed this prayer every night, and would always feel His strong, loving arms holding me while I prayed.

One day I was laying in my bed, staring up at the ceiling fan and listening to music when all of a sudden God spoke to me, though at the time I didn't know that's what it was. He didn't speak in a loud booming voice, but in more of a feeling. I got the feeling that I was supposed to take the class with my mom. I didn't have a reason why, but I didn't need one. I didn't even argue with my feeling. The first chance I got, I went to school and changed from Political Science to Pscyology.  My mom was happy to have her daughter with her for her first college class and I was happy to not be in Poli Sci.

The first night of class, we walked in and sat at the back of the row closest to the door. She sat in front of me and I sat in front of the guy in the last seat. Class went on for a few weeks when one night I overheard the guy behind me having a conversation about animal abuse when I chimed in. I can't remember the whole conversation, but I remember him asking if I thought squishing maggots was animal cruelty and I, being the person that I am, whipped around and snapped "Yes, it is!" then turned back around. I'm pretty sure I continued in the conversation that night, and every night for the remainder of the semester. In fact, I don't know if I ever faced the front of the class again. It's a wonder that our teacher didn't separate us, though he did tell us to be quiet a time or two.

Now, my husband will tell you I'm "smoking something", but I knew I was going to marry him from about the first time I talked to him. He thinks I'm crazy, but it's just one of those things that I can't explain. Just like I can't explain why whenever I was with him I felt like I had known him all my life. For example, our class went to DQ one night after class and I, of course, sat across from him. Now keep in mind that we had only talked in class and never been on a date when we went to DQ. He had some fries that he was putting mustard on when I reached over and took one and bit into it without even thinking about what I was doing. It was such a natural thing that I didn't realize what I had done until I looked at him and he had this amazed look on his face. I offered him his fry back, but he didn't want it. It is here where I have to note that my husband does not share food easily. If I tried that now, I would most likely get a fork in my hand. I say that to prove just how comfortable I was with him, even as a stranger.

I know without a doubt that God brought us together. He's the one who blocked my husband's way and guided him into pscyology and He's the one who spoke to me in my room. Remember that prayer I used to pray? I know my husband is the answer to it because he holds me and wraps his strong, loving arms around me, just like God did and still does. 

I don't believe in reincarnation, but if there was such a thing I would say that we have been together many times before. I do believe in soulmates and I know...

...that's what we are.   

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Falling behind

It seems that whenever my dear hubby is off work, I never get a chance to blog. Is it because I would rather spend time cuddled up on the couch with him than sit at the computer and type...uh, yeah! So I have to play catch up in the morning or wait until he isn't here. Well, since right now he is sleeping, I will type. :)

Yesterday, as everyone knows was Valentine's day. I, personally, don't care for the holiday and never have. It seems to me that if you love someone you should show them every day, not just on a day when the flower companies and the chocolate companies and the card companies all jack up their prices and say "Today's the day to by our stuff and saw 'I love you!'". But that's just me. Sure, I still bought a card and small gift for my man, but I didn't go crazy. In fact my card was only $0.50 and my gift was $1.00, but he still loved them. Anway, even though I am thankful every night for my husband, I would like to honor him and let him be my thankful thought for today. So here he is, the man of my dreams

His goofy face

"King of the Haybale"

"Look, a bat!"


Thank you Lord for blessing me with such a wonderful husband and father to our children. I would be lost without him. Amen.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Yesterday's thankful thought

Last night was kinda crazy, so I didn't get to write down my thankful thought for the day, though I did take the time to stop and be thankful. And unfortunately, I don't yet have a picture of my thought, though I am trying to figure out a way to get one without anyone noticing. Yesterday, I was thankful for our new and un-announced yet still instituted

Family Reading Time.

Chicken's preschool is having a contest right now, more of an incentive program really. The children are supposed to bring a list of books read to school each day (she goes MWF) and whoever reads the most at the end of the month will get a prize. We had already been trying to read a book before bed and I would read during the day if the kid's asked so this contest didn't really cause us to read per se. What it has caused us to do is visit the library more frequently and to read more than just that one book.

I believe that what has prompted our family get together on the couch each evening is not the preschool challenge, but the challenge from church. I truly believe that my husband and I are taking the time to spend quality time with our children because of what we have been learning in church. I am so grateful that we have been having these sermons because they have really enriched and bettered our lives as we try and practiced what has been preached. Due to the fact that God's design for our lives has been brought to the forefront, we are -whether consiously or uncounsiously- making a point to fulfill our roles as we should be. 

I know I personally am making a very concious effort to spend more quality time with my kids. In today's message, the preacher quoted a study that found that fathers spend THIRTY-SEVEN SECONDS of engaged conversation with their two year olds!! How sad is that?!?!?! That is why I am glad that my husband and I are spending time reading to our children in the evening before bed. We all pile onto the couch (much like the Simpsons do), and get settled in with a book, or two, or three. We always laugh and point out the funny things in the story, talk about the story, and just enjoyed being together on the couch.

I know I've heard it a thousand times before, and have probably said it to myself just as many, but they are only little for a little while. There will come a day when they won't want to sit on the couch and read with us, so that is why (although everyday) yesterday I was thankful for our Family Reading Time.

Saturday, February 12, 2011


I love to craft. I can't draw, knit, crochet (well, a little) or do other fancy creative things, though there are a few things I attempt to do, like sewing. I can, however, paint a piece of wood and make it a lovely sign or I can can make a mean bunny out of Bendaroos. Lately, I have been bitten by the craft bug again. My most recent achievments? Well, there's a freezer paper stenciled "Nuke the Whales" shirt for my husband,

 A handsewn tooth pillow for Chicken (triangle-as requested by her),

 and a handsewn Bible cover for me, complete with an ICTHUS elastic closure.

(Hand sweing them would not have been my choice, but my machine is broken and frankly I can't afford to fix it at the moment.)

Currently I am in the mood to make more

diaper cakes (like these I've made in the past) and to try out my newly acquired skill of baby-sock bouquets. If only they weren't so expensive to make! I need justification and since my friends that are having babies haven't had them yet, I will just have to wait.  Unfortunately, the good Lord did NOT see fit to bless me with patience! But it's okay, I can still design in my head until the time comes that I can make them! :)

Friday, February 11, 2011

Bitterness turns to thankfulness

Yesterday, I failed.  I failed to remember to stop and be thankful for anything. In fact, I was probably more bitter than thankful.

My husband and I sat down to try and do a budget, which also failed. I had known for sometime that just to live we spent more than we made. But seeing it in black and white made it all the more real. The most frustrating thing is that we have cut everything, except of course our tithe and savings. We don't have dish or cable, we don't have newspaper or magazine subscriptions, we shop at Aldi and Goodwill, and the only reason we haven't dumped the internet is because I have to have it for my part-time job. We were trying to set up the budget according to Dave Ramsey's Total Money Makeover but it just isn't happening. So as I said earlier, yesterday we were both bitter and frustrated and down right defeated.

As I went to sleep last night, I prayed over and over for God to make it all work. Our preacher said recently that he believes that one day when we get to Heaven, God will open a door to a room full of things He wanted to give us on Earth, but we never asked. So I was asking, and asking, and asking. Not to have an extreme overabundance, but to have enough to go around. So that I don't have to tell my kids that we can't becasue we don't have the money. To buy something on the shelf at the grocery store because we want it or it's better for us and not have to look at the price. Is that too much to ask for? I didn't think so, so that was my prayer as I drifted off to sleep

Today, I woke up still feeling bummed about the whole thing. But I also had a fresh pair of eyes to look at our situation. As I read my Bible this morning amid the chaos of Mega-Block towers and a lively game of Transformers, I realized that I had been looking at this all wrong. True, we still didn't have a whole lot of money, and the outlook as far as I could see was not too exciting, but there was something I had forgotten. At least we could pay our bills. They might occasionally be a few days late, and there might be nothing left afterward, but we were paying them. And we were able to pay them because God had blessed my husband with a job that allowed me to stay home with the children (saving us bukoos of money on daycare.)

In today's economy, there are still so many people without jobs. We have a very good friend, in fact who is unemployed with a wife, a toddler, and another one on the way. Why is it that I would think that I have the right to complain about not having any moeny when we have money?! Through God we have food in our bellies (even if it isn't the healthiest), a roof over our head, and clothes on our backs.  We have our children who love us and we have each other. What more could we need?

So today, instead of being bitter, I'm going to be thankful. Today I am thankful for...

My husband's job. This is the powerplant where he works in Havana. It's the whole reason we moved to our new home, and why I have made new friends, and why my faith has been tested and proven. God has a plan and it is His plan that I desire to follow, whether penniless or prosperous.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Thankful thought for the day

Today's thankful thought is not a deep one. Maybe it's because it is simple, or maybe because I am just too tired after a full day to write too much. Either way, in keeping up with my Goals, here is today's thankful thought:

My house. Well, this one is not actually mine. But I live in a rental subdivision where all the houses look alike, so this is basically my house. I am thankful that God provided this house for us so that we can have a nice warm place to bed down on these frigid nights. I pray on cold nights like this for all those who don't have a warm bed to go to.  It breaks my heart to know that in a county as great as ours, there are still people who have to sleep on the streets, or in their cars, or in an abandoned building.

Thank you, God, for taking care of us. Please bless those less fortunate than me. Amen.

The simple things in life

Today, after we took Chicken to school, the boys and I went down to the river. When it's warm outside, they like to go down and throw sticks and rocks in the water (they are totally boys). But even if we don't get out, like today when it is only 6 degrees, they like to watch the birds. Seagulls, mainly. This time of year though, there are nesting American Bald Eagles.

When we got to the river there was already two of them majestically soaring over the water.  They would take turns swooping down towards the water then rise back up, wings and tails spread as if they were trying to take in all of the world that they possibly could. After a few minutes, one of them returned to the nest while the other one waited patiently on a chunk of ice lazily floating downriver.  This one was soon joined by two young eagles. They didn't yet have their signature white heads and tails, rather they were brown with white speckles on their undersides. They were actually cute, in and ugly sort of way.

The whole time we were watching the birds, eagles and seagulls alike, the boys were in the back talking about what the birds were doing, and imitating the sounds of birds. When it was time to go, El Segundo smiled and waved and sweetly chanted "bye-bye bawk" until they were out of site.

It may have only been five or ten minutes, but to them it was the coolest five or ten minutes because they got to watch the birds. If only we could all learn to find such joy in the simple things of life.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Today's thankful thought

Before I get into my thankful thought for today, I must say that my Goals for 2011 are really a challenge somedays. Thankfully, today is not one of those days. So far we have accomplised several of them today and I am feeling mighty fine about that! Now onto my thankful thought:

Yep, today it's my kids. Now I know that seems kinda of cliche, but it's true. I am especially thankful for their good health. My youngest niece has been in the hospital almost a week now and I am thankful that we have not had to deal with serious illness like that thus far. Don't get me wrong, we have had a few illnesses that required testing galore and even a short hospitalization, but over all they have been healthy.

As much as I hate that we even have to have children's hospitals, I am grateful they are there when you need them. We had our run in with one a couple of years ago when my baby girl had a bleeding problem. They took great care with her during her colonoscopy. She still talks about the "cherry flavored mask" that they used. (They used cherry extract to flavor the anesthesia mask so she wouldn't smell the gas.) But it saddened me to see all the other little kids that were there with much more serious problems.

So today, I say, "Thank you God" for my sweet angelic little devils. :)

Monday, February 7, 2011

Today's thankful thought

So as part of my Goals for 2011, I am trying to be thankful for one thing a day and really mean it. So today I am thankful for...

I know what you're thinking, "Hobby Lobby?? Really??" Yes, Hobby Lobby. Not only is it a great place to exercise your creative muscles, but it is also a great witness to the world. Have you ever noticed that the muzak that they play is Christian music? And how about the fact that they are closed on Sundays? It says right on the door they are closed on Sundays so that their employees can attend worship and spend time with their families. How great is that?!

Hobby Lobby's Statement of Purpose is:

In order to effectively serve our owners, employees, and customers the Board of Directors is committed to:
Honoring the Lord in all we do by operating the company in a manner consistent with Biblical principles.
Offering our customers an exceptional selection and value.
Serving our employees and their families by establishing a work environment and company policies that build character, strengthen individuals, and nurture families.
Providing a return on the owners' investment, sharing the Lord's blessings with our employees, and investing in our community.
We believe that it is by God's grace and provision that Hobby Lobby has endured. He has been faithful in the past, we trust Him for our future.

How many other stores, besides clearly Christian stores, do you know that have God as number one in their statement of purpose? So I say props to Hobby Lobby. Thanks for being a beacon of light in a world dominated by seven-day-a-week/24 hour stores commited to making the most money!!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

A butt kicking in the pew

Today's sermon really kicked my butt. Our preacher has been doing a series of sermons on what a Christian home should look like and how we get there. Today's was on how a woman "steps up and supports" (since that is her role in the Christian Home). Let me tell you what! I think that sermon was written for me. It was like God was talking to me through Pastor telling me to get my act together.

I fall short in so many aspects of wife and mother. I openly admit to it. I pray daily to be a better wife and mother, though somehow it never seems to come about. I yell at my kids FAR too much and sometimes almost completely ignore my husband as far as our relationship goes. There is always more month than money. My house is always a disaster with toys, the occasional pair of dirty socks, couch pillows and fruit snack wrappers on the floor. There is always clean piles of laundry in the chair, or on the table and in the baskets. And don't even get me started on the dishes!! But that is NOT what I want for my family. I want to be the kind of wife/mother that keeps a perfect budget, cooks five star meals every night for dinner, has perfectly well-rounded children, that can create masterpieces, create coupon envy among other moms, have an imacculate house, and be my husband's arm candy. However, I seem unable to do any of that. I feel like everyone who can do that kind of stuff is over there and I'm right here and have no idea how to get over with everyone else.

So the message today was incredibly hard for me to hear. It included things like making time for you husband and creating a nurturing home in which to raise your children. Very often, I remorse about my inability to be good at my position in my home, and so to hear again that I am failing in my duties as assigned by God was like ripping out my heart and doing the Mexican Hat Dance on it.

I had already been working on my roles before the sermon series started since they were numbers one and two on my goals for this year, so I know that this message was to help me do just that. It doesn't make it any easier to sit through, though. I know that with God's help, I will be able to meet my goals of being a better wife and mother and this sermon this morning, no matter how much it got me down, was meant to guide me on my way.

Thank you Lord for your guidance. I pray that you would give me the strength and courage to follow the path you have laid out before me. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Jumping into the unknown

Alright, here we go....