Friday, March 11, 2011

Sickness and Sweetness

This was a rough week for my husband. He had step throat and when he gets it, it knocks him down flat which meant that I had to add Nurse to my list of duties for the day. Not that I minded at all, I love getting to tend to my husband when he's sick. I don't really know why, but I enjoy it. He spent from Sunday morning when he got home from work until Tuesday late morning in bed sleeping. Monday the only reason he left bed was to go to the doctor and then later in the evening he came out for about 30 mins or so, but then went right back to bed. I think he lost ten pounds and I was saying "Hey make me sick, I want to lose ten pounds!" Thankfully he is all better now and due to his schedule, only had to miss two days of work then had three more to fully recover.

Also this week, I got to go to the ladies meeting at church. I really do like going to those. I am not much of a social person and I have social anxiety in the worse way most of the time, but I am finding myself more and more able to attend events like this one and not feel so nervous. Anyway, my "team" was supposed to bring a dessert for the evening's meeting and I, having little in the way of available funds, went for something cheap. This is what I ended up with

And I shall call them "indoor s'mores"

They were really yummy, but oh so rich!  I think the next time I do them, I will only dip them half way so there is not so much chocolate. They were super easy to make too which is good for me since a baker I am not!

And instead of a thankful thought today, in light of the natural disaster in Japan, I will say a prayer for those affected.

Lord, please be with those who have been affected by this earthquake and subsequent tsunamis. I pray that those who have died knew you and are with you now. I ask that you be with those who are still missing, and bring comfort to the families of the dead and missing.  In Jesus' name, Amen.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Today's Thankful Thought

Today, amid all the articles and videos that I have been bombarded with recently, I am thankful for 


Now I know that seems a bit odd considering all that this country is going through at the moment. But you know what? Now matter what is happening, I still believe that the United States is the greatest country in the world! We may have our problems, but hands down there is no other place I would rather live. I am so thankful to God that he put me in this country. I can't imagine living where I have to worry day in and day out about bullets and bombs and my family's safety, or if we have enough food, or where we can get clean water, or if someone is going to come in the middle of the night and take my children away and force them to join some military group. I can lay down at night and know that we are safe. That if we run out of food we can drive down the road to a store and buy more. That if I turn on the faucet, and have paid my water bill, that clean, potable water is going to come out of the spout.

There are seemingly so many people nowadays that want only to complain about our great country, about it's leaders and it's policies and the like. And there are those who would poop on the flag (yes it really has happend) or say they aren't American's or that Obama isn't their president, but I have news for all of them and those like them. If they live in this country, they ARE Amercians, Obama IS their president, and that flag is THEIR flag, and if they don't like it then they can leave the country!! I know that sounds harsh, but it's the way I feel.

Far too many people have bled and died for that beautiful flag, and although I'm not brave enough to do it, I am thankful to all that have. It represents a place where you can be what you want to be, say what you want to say, and if you feel so inclined, protest at a fallen soldier's funeral. I just wish that people who speak against the country and it's fallen heros would remember that this country gives them that right. If they were to speak or act that way in some countries, they would be dead before their video hit YouTube. 

Somehow this Thankful Thought turned into a bit of a soapbox rant about people who are against our country and I appologize. I just want to say thank you to God for giving me such a wonderful place to call home. I truly am PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

The Great Wait and See

I have been a slacker. I guess more than that I just have not really felt inspired. That, however, is no excuse for ignoring at least my Thankful Thoughts posts. But alas, I have and now I am trying to get back on the train. In my absence I have created another blog to exhibit my "creations". Check it out here if you want. Now, onto the post...

Have you ever felt like something was about to happen but you just didn't know what it was? I get that way from time to time and find myself in that place yet again. It's like a stirring in my soul, an anticipation of what God is preparing to do in my life. I find it really hard to explain. I'm sure if you've ever felt it then you know exactly what I'm talking about. It's that near-the-top-of-the-hill-but-can't-quite-see-what's-up-there kind of excitement that just gets your hands shaking and your mind racing. I guess that explains it, yeah. Anyway, that's where I am. I have had this feeling for about a week now, and I wish I knew what it was for or even who it is for. You see, I don't know if the event that is about to happen is going to be for my life, our life (mine and the hubby's) or if I/we are going to do something to change someone else's life. I just know that God is working and I need to be ready when His plan is revealed to me.

And that, friends, is where I get bummed. Not bummed because God is working in my life, but because I don't know what He's doing. I am so excited about the prospect of what is to come, but find myself in a slump because I have to wait. I am not the most patient person in the world and I strongly dislike being left out of the loop. Now I know that the Lord has absolutely every right to keep me out of the loop, but dang it! It's not fair!

The hubby and I talked just the other day about what I was feeling and he said that he, too, had been having a feeling that something was in the works. He thought it was because we were going to be building a shed but once it was finished he was still feeling that way. So at least I'm not the only one who thinks something is about to happen.

So what could it be about? I don't know, but here are some of my guesses:
  • a cheaper house to rent
  • some sort of missionary thing
  • writing a letter to the Westboro "Baptist Church"
  • me starting an Etsy shop and selling things I make elsewhere, too
I have a feeling though, that it might be the last one. I don't say that to gloat, but I really think that's it. I personally don't think the things I make people would want to buy. But I have been in prayer about it recently due to some remarks I have heard. One night while I was reading in Proverbs I came across a verse that basically said that hard work is rewarded but "mere talk leads to poverty." Notice how I remembered that part? That's because I always get these grand ideas to make different things and try to sell them but then I never follow through on it because I have such low self-esteem and confidence and think that no one would buy my stuff. It's not as good as some of the stuff out there and most of it is so easy that anyone could do it. My hubs constantly tries to build me up and encourages me to go for it, but all I do is talk about it. And guess what?? I'm poor! Go figure! :-)

I could be completely wrong and the Lord could have something completely different in store for me. I just need to continue praying about it and wait and see what happens. Darn that wait and see part...