Wednesday, February 16, 2011

A God-driven Love

So my husband was not pleased with my post yesterday. :) Apparently I didn't include enough of why I was thankful for him or our back story as SOMEONE that we know did in hers. I tried to tell him that it was becuase I was trying to hurry since he woke up, though he didn't believe me. Since he was less than satisfied (in a joking manner) and because I feel that our story has the power to encourage those who feel like God has forgotten them, here is our story.

It starts in community college.  I had already signed up for my classes for the first sememseter of my second year.  My mom was also attending that year. She asked if I would take a class with her, but I told her I was already signed up and didn't want to change classes. She was bummed, but accepted it.

My husband was also already signed up for classes. But then he decided that he didn't want to take the math class that he was enrolled in. I can't honestly remember why, I think it had something to do with the teacher.  When he went in to the guidance conselor to change classes, every new class he wanted to take was for whatever reason unavailable to him. So he was left with only one choice, the evening Pscyology 110.  And would you have guessed that that was the very class that my mom wanted me to take with her?!

Now here is the part in the story where you get the back story to the back story.  I always had it rough in school. Not too many friends and although for a while I was "dating" a guy in junior high, I don't really count that as a boyfriend. I was always looking for male attention, though not in a bad way, and I was happy just being noticed by my friend's boyfriends. I had all but given up on finding a man who would love me for me. My way wasn't working, so I thought I would try a different approach. I prayed. I prayed that God would send me someone who would love me like He did, who would hold me in his arms like He did, and who would never leave me, just like He wouldn't. I prayed this prayer every night, and would always feel His strong, loving arms holding me while I prayed.

One day I was laying in my bed, staring up at the ceiling fan and listening to music when all of a sudden God spoke to me, though at the time I didn't know that's what it was. He didn't speak in a loud booming voice, but in more of a feeling. I got the feeling that I was supposed to take the class with my mom. I didn't have a reason why, but I didn't need one. I didn't even argue with my feeling. The first chance I got, I went to school and changed from Political Science to Pscyology.  My mom was happy to have her daughter with her for her first college class and I was happy to not be in Poli Sci.

The first night of class, we walked in and sat at the back of the row closest to the door. She sat in front of me and I sat in front of the guy in the last seat. Class went on for a few weeks when one night I overheard the guy behind me having a conversation about animal abuse when I chimed in. I can't remember the whole conversation, but I remember him asking if I thought squishing maggots was animal cruelty and I, being the person that I am, whipped around and snapped "Yes, it is!" then turned back around. I'm pretty sure I continued in the conversation that night, and every night for the remainder of the semester. In fact, I don't know if I ever faced the front of the class again. It's a wonder that our teacher didn't separate us, though he did tell us to be quiet a time or two.

Now, my husband will tell you I'm "smoking something", but I knew I was going to marry him from about the first time I talked to him. He thinks I'm crazy, but it's just one of those things that I can't explain. Just like I can't explain why whenever I was with him I felt like I had known him all my life. For example, our class went to DQ one night after class and I, of course, sat across from him. Now keep in mind that we had only talked in class and never been on a date when we went to DQ. He had some fries that he was putting mustard on when I reached over and took one and bit into it without even thinking about what I was doing. It was such a natural thing that I didn't realize what I had done until I looked at him and he had this amazed look on his face. I offered him his fry back, but he didn't want it. It is here where I have to note that my husband does not share food easily. If I tried that now, I would most likely get a fork in my hand. I say that to prove just how comfortable I was with him, even as a stranger.

I know without a doubt that God brought us together. He's the one who blocked my husband's way and guided him into pscyology and He's the one who spoke to me in my room. Remember that prayer I used to pray? I know my husband is the answer to it because he holds me and wraps his strong, loving arms around me, just like God did and still does. 

I don't believe in reincarnation, but if there was such a thing I would say that we have been together many times before. I do believe in soulmates and I know...

...that's what we are.   

1 comment:

  1. Ah, I see keeping up with the Jones's Lol. I heard this story before, and its very sweet. You two are wonderful people. I am glad your happy!


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