Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Today's thankful thought

Before I get into my thankful thought for today, I must say that my Goals for 2011 are really a challenge somedays. Thankfully, today is not one of those days. So far we have accomplised several of them today and I am feeling mighty fine about that! Now onto my thankful thought:

Yep, today it's my kids. Now I know that seems kinda of cliche, but it's true. I am especially thankful for their good health. My youngest niece has been in the hospital almost a week now and I am thankful that we have not had to deal with serious illness like that thus far. Don't get me wrong, we have had a few illnesses that required testing galore and even a short hospitalization, but over all they have been healthy.

As much as I hate that we even have to have children's hospitals, I am grateful they are there when you need them. We had our run in with one a couple of years ago when my baby girl had a bleeding problem. They took great care with her during her colonoscopy. She still talks about the "cherry flavored mask" that they used. (They used cherry extract to flavor the anesthesia mask so she wouldn't smell the gas.) But it saddened me to see all the other little kids that were there with much more serious problems.

So today, I say, "Thank you God" for my sweet angelic little devils. :)

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