Monday, February 7, 2011

Today's thankful thought

So as part of my Goals for 2011, I am trying to be thankful for one thing a day and really mean it. So today I am thankful for...

I know what you're thinking, "Hobby Lobby?? Really??" Yes, Hobby Lobby. Not only is it a great place to exercise your creative muscles, but it is also a great witness to the world. Have you ever noticed that the muzak that they play is Christian music? And how about the fact that they are closed on Sundays? It says right on the door they are closed on Sundays so that their employees can attend worship and spend time with their families. How great is that?!

Hobby Lobby's Statement of Purpose is:

In order to effectively serve our owners, employees, and customers the Board of Directors is committed to:
Honoring the Lord in all we do by operating the company in a manner consistent with Biblical principles.
Offering our customers an exceptional selection and value.
Serving our employees and their families by establishing a work environment and company policies that build character, strengthen individuals, and nurture families.
Providing a return on the owners' investment, sharing the Lord's blessings with our employees, and investing in our community.
We believe that it is by God's grace and provision that Hobby Lobby has endured. He has been faithful in the past, we trust Him for our future.

How many other stores, besides clearly Christian stores, do you know that have God as number one in their statement of purpose? So I say props to Hobby Lobby. Thanks for being a beacon of light in a world dominated by seven-day-a-week/24 hour stores commited to making the most money!!

1 comment:

  1. Hobby Lobby my home away from home. I was just there yesterday!


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