Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The simple things in life

Today, after we took Chicken to school, the boys and I went down to the river. When it's warm outside, they like to go down and throw sticks and rocks in the water (they are totally boys). But even if we don't get out, like today when it is only 6 degrees, they like to watch the birds. Seagulls, mainly. This time of year though, there are nesting American Bald Eagles.

When we got to the river there was already two of them majestically soaring over the water.  They would take turns swooping down towards the water then rise back up, wings and tails spread as if they were trying to take in all of the world that they possibly could. After a few minutes, one of them returned to the nest while the other one waited patiently on a chunk of ice lazily floating downriver.  This one was soon joined by two young eagles. They didn't yet have their signature white heads and tails, rather they were brown with white speckles on their undersides. They were actually cute, in and ugly sort of way.

The whole time we were watching the birds, eagles and seagulls alike, the boys were in the back talking about what the birds were doing, and imitating the sounds of birds. When it was time to go, El Segundo smiled and waved and sweetly chanted "bye-bye bawk" until they were out of site.

It may have only been five or ten minutes, but to them it was the coolest five or ten minutes because they got to watch the birds. If only we could all learn to find such joy in the simple things of life.

1 comment:

  1. That sounds like a wonderful time spent watching the beautiful birds God has created! I often wish I could find such happiness - such unrestrained joy - in simple things. Too often my thoughts are going a million miles an hour and in a million different directions and I need to slow down before I loose out on all the little blessings that are mine for the taking - if I just recognize them! Thank you God for little ones who often, so unconciously, teach me and reflect You!


Please, add a little sanity to my insanity!